Boost your media business with AI

AnyforSoft created a top-notch AI solution for online media. From sophisticated recommendation algorithms to advanced AI editorial tools— we have it all in one product and can launch it for you in a couple of weeks
Feed recommendation, sources research, validation, and rewriting with a corporate tone of voice. All in one place

Companies That Trust Us

Bitcoin Magazine
Kharkiv Today

Do these AI implementation challenges sound familiar?

Lack of expertise

Your development team doesn’t have enough expertise to create AI solutions.

Integration issues

You have no idea how to make artificial intelligence work with the systems you use.

Lack of data

You want to create a machine learning model but lack datasets to train it on.

Infrastructure incompatibility

Your current software infrastructure is outdated and incompatible with AI technology.

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Don’t let these challenges stop you. AnyforSoft will build a team of skilled software developers to help you overcome them and create an AI solution that meets your business needs.

What We Offer

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Recommendation Algorithms

AI-powered recommendation algorithms personalize the user experience for your customers, offering them content based on their interests, preferences, and past behavior. This results in higher user engagement and retention. To illustrate: in the first month after Forbes invested in an AI recommendation algorithm, the company saw a 25% increase in the number of page views per visit.

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AI Editorial Tools

An AI editorial tool offers data-driven suggestions to journalists and content creators during writing. By investing in such a solution, you will contribute to the quality of your content, ensuring that your visitors enjoy it. Forbes, for example, developed its own AI editorial tool that helps its writers create engaging content more easily and efficiently.

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AI Content Generator

By using AI content generators, your staff will create content faster and hence write more materials for your platform. Alternatively, you could use an AI content generator to create article summaries, routine updates, or other insignificant materials, freeing up your writers’ time for more important tasks.

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NLP Models

An NLP model will train your software to understand natural human language, including text and speech. You can then use it for sentiment analysis, translating your articles into different languages, generating article summaries, and more. For instance, an NLP solution could analyze user sentiments around your content and provide you with valuable insights.

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ML Algorithms

Machine learning algorithms will enable your system to identify patterns and make logical decisions for content classification, tagging, content moderation, fine-tuning ad campaigns, and more. For example, you can automate content moderation processes by training your system to detect and remove content that doesn’t comply with your policy.

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Other AI solutions

Didn’t find what you were looking for? Don’t worry—we can create virtually any AI-powered solution. Schedule a call with us and describe the tool you would like to receive, and we will do our best to help you.

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore AI

That means if you don’t invest in AI development, you will soon face serious consequences:
  • You will lag behind your competitors.
  • Your platform will be inferior compared to those that leverage AI.
  • You will continue spending money and effort on labor-intensive tasks that could have been easily automated.
  • Your platform will become outdated.
  • You will lack valuable insights that AI tools can provide and will rely on guesswork instead.

What Happens When You Invest in AI

  • You simplify content creation. By means of AI you can automate content creation, especially the creation of article summaries, routine updates, or other insignificant materials. 
  • You eliminate tedious tasks. AI automates labor-intensive and time-consuming tasks, such as content moderation, metadata tagging, content classification, and more. 
  • You increase user engagement and retention. AI personalizes user experience and thus helps your digital media company retain users effectively. 
  • You reduce labor costs. Instead of hiring new staff to deal with the ever-growing workload, you could automate many routine tasks with the help of artificial intelligence.
  • You get a competitive edge. By embracing artificial intelligence, you will immediately gain a competitive advantage over companies that don’t invest in AI development.

Don’t delay your success. Implement artificial intelligence and stand out from the competition.

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Why AnyforSoft

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One-Stop Solution

We offer full-cycle AI development, from project discovery to product release to maintenance and support.

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Professional Team

We have over 12 years of development experience. 25% of our developers are senior-level experts.

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Customer-Focused Company

We build software that meets our customers’ needs, requirements, and expectations. The end result will align with your product vision.

Our Expertise

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AnyforSoft has helped dozens of digital media companies achieve their business goals. For example, we helped the popular online portal Projektmagazin improve its website, resulting in a 31% increase in website speed, an 18% increase in traffic, and a 10% increase in subscribers. We also worked on the platform of KharkivToday, achieving 11% more traffic and increasing the time users spend on the website by 14%.

We can help you too. Just schedule a call using the form below.


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Partner Up with a Company That Cares

Create your custom AI solution and leave competitors behind. Schedule a call using the form below to discuss our collaboration.